Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Division of Physics and Astronomy,
Graduate Shcool of Science, Kyoto University

Pioneering the future of optical sciences
through research on laser and plasma physics 

Laser Physics

Plasma Physics

Industrial Application



Aug.   Prof. Tokita and Dr. Okazaki will give a poster presentation and a talk in EUROPHOTON held in Vilnius, respectively.
June   Dr. Okazaki gave an invitation talk in EUROPL2024 at Nice, France.

Apr. Prof. Tokita and Dr. Okazaki gave an invitation talk and poster presentation at OPIC2024/ALPS2024 held in Yokohama, Japan.

Apr. Mr. Wu joined our group as an internship student.

Apr. Mr. Lee, Mr. Ueta, Mr. Hiyane joined our group as master course students.
Apr. Dr. Kirita joined our group.


Dec.  We will hold a seminar by Prof. Tenio Popmintchev of UCSD.
Oct.  Prof. Kanai will give an invited talk at ASSL/LAC.
Oct.  Dr. Kanai has been promoted to a Program-Specific Associate Professor.
Sep.  Prof. Tokita gave an invited talk at The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS 2023).
June  Dr. Okazaki gave a talk at CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC 2023 held in Munich.
May   Our collaborative research with Hiroshima University was published in The European Physicai Journal A, 59, 109 (2023)
May   Dr. Kanai will give a talk at CLEO 2023 held in San Jose.
Apr.   Dr. Kanai, Dr. Okazaki, and Prof. Tokita gave poster presentations at Q-BASIS2023 held in Osaka
Mar.   Our collaborative research with Mizuochi Laboratory was published in APL Photonics 8, 036108 (2023), and selected as a Featured Article.
Mar.   We held an internal seminar talked by Dr. Edgar Kaksis from TU-Wien.
Feb.   Our collaborative research with Hiroshima University was published in Universe 2023, 9(3),  123.

Jan.   Dr. Kanai gave an invited talk at SANKEN.
Jan.   Dr. Okazaki joined our group.

Dec.   Prof. Tokita gave an invited talk at 12th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science.
Apr.   Tokita laboratory was established.

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